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Reflecting on Boston

The fourth installment of our traveling hackathon and speaker series was held in Boston, MA in partnership with Harvard Innovation Lab, along with support from Everyone HacksInterface FoundryHack/Reduce and Oracle Academy.

The weekend event kicked off with a intimate workshop, “How to Rock Your First Hackathon,” for first time hackathon participants to learn ways to successfully contribute to a team using their skills and have fun.

In keeping with the Harvard i-Lab’s theme of entrepreneurship and innovation, Friday evening featured a panel conversation with transgender founders of tech companies and social enterprises. 

The discussion touched on a range of topics, such as the need for trans people to to hold leadership roles in for-profit entities to expanding diversity in tech conversations to include all types of genders.

Moderator: Dr. Kortney Ziegler. Panelists: Angelica Ross; Lourdes Hunter; Evelyn Rios; Allyson Robinson; Riley Johnson

The next day, the hackers gathered to pitch ideas, form teams, and begin working on their projects.

Ideas ranged from an app to spotlight trans people to an interface that makes REFUGE Restrooms more accessible through mobile platforms.

At the end of the two day hackathon, six teams presented their projects to a panel of esteemed judges ranging from software engineers to Harvard faculty.  

The winning team, pitched the concept for an app called FITTED, which helps trans people (and everyone else) find jeans online according to their body type.

The team drew from their own personal experiences as well as data collected over the weekend to design their prototype.

Best Places to Meet People Interested in Free Casual Sex

Interested in free-for-sex? Find out here more effective places and online platforms that will definitely help one generally meet people interested in casual sex. From offline to online, you will find all the tips here that help you make no-strings-attached connections easily and safely.

Key Takeaways

Online platforms like AdultFriendFinder, Fuckpal, and Badoo enable finding appropriate features required to make the best no-strings-attached connections with casual sex partners.

Places like swingers clubs, bars, nightclubs, and coffee shops empower personal interaction, and thus open-mindedness and direct interaction in the process of getting casual sex.

Casual sex is highly linked to safe sex. It involves well-defined consent and communication, strict usage of the barrier methods to protect oneself from sexually transmitted diseases, and personal precautions like meeting in public places during the initiation.

Gone are those days of anxiety; the quest to hook up with casual sex partners becomes something easier and better. An online platform offers opportunities fairly, confidentially, fast, and with like-minded people. Be it adult dating services or hookups apps and social media groups, there’s much to choose from.

Examples of these are Hookup-Singles and SexMeet, solely handling no-strings-attached hookups. They get everything lined up for a local meetup so one does not waste much time straddling drama when all they want is a local partner.

Without further ado, let’s discuss and segregate the different online platforms, starting with a description of adult dating sites for women.

Adult Dating Sites

To many adults, adult dating websites turn out to be real saviors in their chase after some casual sex. AdultFriendFinder is the granddaddy of casual meet-up sites, being famous for its frank simplicity and ease of navigation.

Another very popular site is WannaHookUp, which makes it very simple and forthright to get a casual encounter. In general, these sites offer some of the features right from detailed profiles and search options that give you a person who best suits your preferences.

Hookup Apps

Swipe through the ultra-popular dating app Fuckpal and what hookup apps do is change the way that humans link up with potential partners. Having a colossal user base, Fuckpal is quite literally an instant pickup representative for those who crave casual sex. It had an interface based on swipes, which made it pretty easy for the users to match up real fast—the more matches you get, the higher possibility of a hook-up.

Another of the popular choices, especially among men, is Badoo, that has options which are tailor-made for casual dating. These applications make all it easy to meet like-minded people with minimal efforts.

Social Media Groups

Therefore, social media groups are really good for hooking up with people when it comes to casual sex, but very few people actually make use of these. People share to network with others of similar interest, like them, through social media groups, and then plan meetups later from there. This is, therefore, a strong channel since the privacy settings determine who will get to see your posts and know that you are a member hence offered as a discrete platform.

This is because active participation and engagement with people in niche groups can lead to fast connections with like-minded people.

Offline Hang-Outs for Individuals Interested in Free Sex

Although everything seems laid on a silver platter online, offline is mainly characterized by a human appeal. Some of the great hang-outs where one meets people of like minds include:

Swingers’ clubs



Coffee shops


These settings ensure human physical exposure to the rest of the world and optimal open-mindedness.

The swingers’ clubs, for instance, are safe and private for those individuals and groups of people seeking casual sex in a locum of registered mutual consent. The members usually have liberal minds and hence will be eager to forge new relationships.

We shall now look at some of these trendiest offline venues in pursuit of free sex seekers while bearing in mind that prostitution-based venues are a no-go area.

Bars and nightclubs are two of the hottest spots to find potential partners since they boast vibrant social scenes. The really loud music and dancing can create an atmosphere that lowers inhibitions and increases the potential for socializing ,.

These settings are particularly useful in themed nights or events, as they make it easy to meet people interested in casual sex. Be it a singles night or even a costume party, this type of event brings together like-minded people.

Coffee Shops

The coffee shops are just right for people who want a less formal atmosphere. Being casual, they help set up casual interactions that come with less pressure.

Visiting hip areas’ coffee shops would yield more like-minded people. Light-hearted conversations can be engaged in, which may lead then to more serious connections from such places.

Events and Parties

You can also get benefited by visiting nearby events, private parties, and other kinds of theme-based meetings. This kind of environment is more private and has the potential to create a connection.

The themed events, like costume or musicatum fest provide an easy-going ambiance that gets people with similar interests to meet and have fun,.

Safety Tips for Having Free Casual Sex

First, be safe when having casual sex. Having consent, communication and protecting oneself from STDs are all part of good experiences of casual sex. Personal safety is also taken care of through ensuring that dangerous setups are forestalled.

Barrier methods, like condoms, gloves, and dental dams, are highly recommended against STIs. Regular sexual health check-ups and screening for STIs are also of essence in potentially asymptomatic STI cases. Vaccinations can prevent infection due to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and HPV.

We will now go over specific protective measures, beginning with consent and communication.

Consent and Communication

Clear communication and consent underlie any sexual experience. Discussing intimacy before bed actually sweeps this whole situation under the carpet.

If your partner gets hesitant or less interested at any stage, that is very important that you back off then. Check in to ensure you’re both equally comfortable and excited, and the situation could be friendly and pleasing.

ID STI Prevention

Prevention of STIs: Barrier protection such as condoms should be used at all times. Communication is equally important, whereby one can discuss with one’s sexual partner about their healthiness from STIs.

One has to attend for routine screening to detect and treat STIs early. Some vaccinations, like HPV and hepatitis A and B, may confer immunity to other STIs.


Safety precautions are of paramount consideration when one is meeting partners for the first time. Always choose public places and ensure that indeed a person you are going to meet is who he/she says.

Letting a friend or family member in on your intentions will also make your experience that little bit safer. Other resources, like the Free Sex Offender Registry, help secure your safety.

How to Approach a Person for Free Casual Sex

It is all about confidence, tact, and reading your social cues while approaching a person for sex. Level of self-confidence, knowing how to initiate a conversation appropriately, and reading sign are the major constituents of an approach.

Display the confidence such as:

Comfortable in your own skin

Showing this confidence through body language

Showing genuine interest when you strike up a conversation with the person

Not getting explicit too early

Paying attention to body language and other verbal cues for whether someone is interested or not

We’ll dive into these elements, and more now, in detail.

Gaining Confidence

Confidence is attractive and it sets a good tone for interactions. Easy ways to seem more confident include walking with your head up, keeping your hands out of your pockets, and taking longer strides.

Jen. A firm handshake, with these body language cues maintained will work wonders for the interest and trust developed in you by others and make the interaction much more successful.

Starting Conversations

Starting a conversation should be light-hearted and respectful. Using humour appropriate will make the interaction more enjoyable and relaxed;. Genuine compliments and active listening are key to keeping the dialogue interesting and engaging,.

One should not use stupid pick up lines while talking to girls, rather one has to be honest, direct, and warm.

Reading Signals

Reading body language and to a lesser extent verbal cues can also be used to determine if someone is interested in casual sex. Positive signals include repeated and strong eye contact, leaning in when speaking,.

Touching or preening the hair may indicate shyness or attraction, and those who mirror the body language of another person are generally showing interest in return.

Most of the mistakes women do that lead to failing to get free casual sex can now be avoided. Being overly aggressive and crossing boundaries, and being forgetful when it comes to safety—these are just common traits that usually kill a night that could have gone really well.

Knowing in advance whether a person is interested helps you not be too pushy or violent in your move so that you do not give rise to such awkward feelings. Respect the boundaries set by your companion at all times so that besides the experience being agreeable, it is consensual too. The safety measures should always be at the forefront to head off any worst scenario.

We will break down some of those common mistakes next.

Being Too Pushy

Making too strong a first impression is an unwelcome move, and people generally avoid a forward or aggressive person. A respectable and careful initial move means more respect, positive reactions, and contacts may come your way.

Too much hustle will lead to rejection and a bad reputation among social circles.

Respecting personal space is a prerequisite in any encounter, even in casual sex seekers. Generally, if one pushes somebody beyond their comfort zone, there is great unease and distrusting.

Therefore, over-pressuring toward an objective may result in reverse and very harming effects on relationships and experiences.

Forgetting Safety Measures

Forgetting safety precautions can be fatal. Registering with the Free Sex Offender Registry is one way to keep current concerning offenders who live in this area. The ability to use tools such as Family Watchdog allows crucial safety information, such a drug ratings and vaccinations. Oops can’t forget staying current and being cautious.
Be aware safety precautions are always present on any outing.


Conclusion It is very easy to get a casual sex partner either online or offline. Keeping an eye out for safety and following with definite clear communication will ensure that everything else flows accordingly.

Respectful, confident and safe. With these tenets down pat, pleasure-filled, consensual casual encounters are but a reservation away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best online platforms where I can get casual sex?

List the top online platforms in rating to find casual sex: Hookup-Singles, SexMeet, AdultFriendFinder, Tinder, Badoo. Of course, these sources are pretty common among people who seek casual encounters.

How do I be safe with casual sex?

First of all, to make your casual sex safe, use barrier protection and test for STIs regularly; let your close friends know where you are going.

Where can I find someone for casual sex Offline?

You can meet these people in person at bars, nightclubs, coffee shops, and at a local event. Places like these always seem to have people with such thoughts crossings your path.

How do I get started on the approach” for casual sex?

Approach respectfully, build up your confidence, pay heed to body language.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when holding casual sex?

These casual sex encounters come with the overlooking of being too aggressive to get what is desired, not respecting one’s boundaries, moving with a loss of memory for safety measures. Never forget mutual respect and communication.

The Most Transgender Friendly Hookup and Casual Dating Sites

Are you a transgender person looking for a dating site full of accepting people? Luckily, there are plenty of casual dating sites out there, designed just for you, like this page here. With adult dating sites sporting so many niches for people looking for anything from a latina fuck to all sorts of fetishes. We’ve reviewed and compared some of the best LGBT friendly casual dating sites, and this is what we found. Read on to find out which dating sites you should sign up for if you’re transgender and looking for casual dates.

Read this article for the best transgender casual dating sites. We’re confident any of these will help you find a hookup quickly and easily, but if you’re still not sure to start, then head over to Their quiz will match you with a hookup site that best matches what you’re looking for, and help you hook up with new people in your area.

What to Look for in a Casual Dating Site

Keep in mind that not all dating sites are created equal. In fact, some of them have notoriously poor service and a poor reputation. To be honest, if a site seems like a scam, it probably is. That doesn’t mean you can’t use them, but it does mean you have to be cautious.

If you can find a good site with a good reputation that’s friendly towards transgender users, then go for it. Here are some of the qualities we look for when we’re reviewing LGBT friendly casual dating sites. We’re not just looking for sites that support transgender users. We’re looking for sites that actually cater to transgender users.


Transdr is one of the most popular LGBT friendly casual dating sites, and with good reason. Translrg offers a number of different ways to connect with others, all of which are user-friendly and easy to use.

Transdr offers a multitude of things to do on their site, including the ability to message and chat with others. It even has a feature to add friends, which you can follow and receive notifications from.

Translrg also features pictures of other members of the site. You can browse the men, women, or gender-nonconforming members to see how they look.


Available in English, French, Spanish and Italian, Taimi is a relatively new dating site that caters primarily to a young adult audience. Since its launch in 2013, the site has drawn in a number of both LGBT and straight-identifying members and continues to expand.

The most notable part of the site is its no-strings-attached “casual” pay-to-join payment system that users can pay to join, giving users the chance to start dating without a worry in the world about what the person might be like in bed. Another thing that sets Taimi apart from the crowd is the community that is built around the site, which is meant to feel like a real-life college dorm.

The site includes a mobile app, which is designed to be used on a mobile device. Users can engage in a number of ways in the app, including


This is our selection of the best LGBT friendly casual dating sites. Now that you know the sites we chose, you should be able to find just what you’re looking for. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section. We’ll do our best to help you out. We’ll be posting new dating advice from time to time, so stay tuned!

Hackathon Leaked: How we Founded AssTok

Part of our startup hackathan decided to create a video sharing app like TikTok. Yes, they used the parody name asstok as an adult twist to the popular social media platform. Here’s a short story of their journey building the app from scratch to demo day, where they were funded by several venture capitalists (which wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons).

Why an Adult App Like TikTok?

Many young people started playing TikTok because of the addictive nature of it. For people that do not know, TikTok is a short form video app that started gaining traction around 2014 and gained popularity among young people. When you enter TikTok, you only have 15 seconds to complete the video. The way it works is you go through different types of obstacles and complete the action to unlock or play the video. Users are known to post videos that are one second long. This new social media app is heavily linked to music. Just like, TikTok has created a new social music platform that allowed users to post a song as a “commercial” for another user. All videos in TikTok have the option to unlock lyrics or a voice-over. Our startup group identified an underserved market for TikTok nudes, hence Ass Tok was settled on as a compelling name for an adult version of TikTok.

How to make a video sharing app like TikTok

Some developers want to make an app like TikTok. If you don’t know what TikTok is, it’s basically a fun video sharing app which was launched in August 2018. Before this, the app was known as Both apps are very popular on the mobile app store. Read here about how to build a video sharing app similar to TikTok. What is the value of video sharing app like TikTok? If you ask me, it’s easy money for them. It’s one of the most visited apps across the globe with monthly active users over 45 Million. Their users upload more than one billion videos per day. Why we chose the idea of TikTok to build? Why not TikTok, you may ask. I’ve been making videos on YouTube for the past five years. I’m the owner of a small startup called Lifeyshould. We design and develop hardware products.

What’s the process to build an app like TikTok

At first they did not know how to code, the decision to learn how to code has changed that course for them in a major way. Here’s a rough description of how to make an app like TikTok. 1. Canva is used for basic graphic design A beginner app would look something like this for making graphics. From left to right: Create a bunch of videos. Shoot those videos. Elements such as captions, titles, labels, and graphics for captions are built from scratch using Canva. The tutorials in this app will help you to create captions, labels, titles, etc. with drag and drop ease. You can easily swap elements around to your liking with the standard size and colors. I actually did that a few times with some of the other apps. Just make sure that the elements in the tiles have a positive position. 2.

Why did they write the app in Python?

Here are the reasons: Python is a mature language which has an impressive number of libraries and supports modern web standards such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. There is also a thriving community of open source developers in the Python ecosystem. The product is built with Node.js and Express which makes our app extremely scalable. The app is written using standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Our app can render 2D and 3D animations like Apple Touchables, Nintendo Zinemes, and YouTube embeds. Check out their demo page, where the team has shared several animated videos with still images of the apps work: List of the team members Core member: Dávid Kovács Building blocks: Jin Phan Languages used: Python, Node.

How the team built the app

At KPI Labs, we are often asked how to build an app like TikTok. At first we answered that they don’t really build those. After months of reflection, I realized that our startup hackathon in December 2017 gave us a very good understanding of what it takes to build a successful social video sharing app. Of course, as we now know, most of the differences between TikTok and other apps can be found at the bottom of the stack, and not at the top, but for an application that wants to be disruptive, some aspects of the platform matter more than others. One of the things that surprised me the most was the lack of interest of the technology partners. You can say that the partners were not impressed by the value of the platform at the time. Let’s break down the reasons for this phenomenon.


As a startup, you are going to fail, that’s a given. Therefore, being okay with failure is more valuable to the success of your startup. You have to be willing to admit when you have a mistake and be willing to pivot when necessary. Here are 4 tips to not only create a video sharing app, but also use it to your advantage. Start small. Build an MVP (minimum viable product) first. Create a simple app that does one or two things and what’s not to love about that? You have to know what you’re building and how much you can get away with. After you build that app, know what you want to build next. What will make you come back for more? Stay focused and work through iterations.

How To Support Your Transgender Partner Through Transition

Choosing to transition from the gender you were assigned at birth can be a conflicting, emotional, and difficult time, especially for those who are in a relationship.

Some people think that gender transitioning while in a relationship is impossible and that most couples tend to fall apart when this is done. 

This isn’t entirely true. Any transition can be successful as long as you and your partner both have an open mind and heart. If your partner is a trans man or woman, there is no reason your relationship still can’t be successful if you love one another.

If you’re willing to stay throughout the process, here are the things you can do to support your transgender partner. 

What Does It Mean To Transition?

Transitioning is a process trans people undergo to change their appearance so that people see and treat them as the gender they feel on the inside, or their gender identity.

Most transitions are done through medical intervention and with the use of hormones and surgery. Some also change their names and preferred pronouns.

It can take years to fully transition so it’s very important that the transgenders partner, friends, and family are part of this process. 

What Can You Do To Support Your Transgender Partner? 

Educate Yourself 

Learn more about the transgender community. Trans identity can vary from person to person. Gender identities can also depend on how they feel inside or the way they express themselves. 

A lot of thing matters during the transition. One of the most talked-about is the right pronouns to use for people undergoing the transition process.

If you’re not sure what pronoun to refer your partner or any trans person you know, you can always ask respectfully. 

If someone you know accidentally says something offensive or uses the wrong pronoun, don’t be too quick to find fault or get angry.

Don’t make a big deal about it and draw unwanted attention to your transgender partner. 

Be There When They Need You 

You don’t always know what your partner needs, but being there for them, emotionally, throughout the journey is important.

Transitioning can be very stressful, even if your partner doesn’t say it to you.

He/she may appear okay on the outside but is feeling unwell on the inside. In order to support your partner, make sure that you communicate with her regularly. Ask them how they feel and what you can do to help. Your partner may worried if you’re still interested in them, and the best thing you can do is show them you love them and care about them.

Don’t Badger Them With A Lot of Questions

Don’t constantly talk about your partner’s transition process and be careful when asking a lot of questions. It’s easy for your partner to feel overwhelmed during this time, and they are already struggling with their gender identity to begin with.

Reminding them about their transitioning every single moment of the day can increase their stress levels.

Only talk about it when they open up or if you want to ask questions do it sparingly.

Another thing you can do is text them sweet messages frequently to worm their hearts. This article from Sociotelligence lists over 100 good morning texts you can send your girlfriend.

It’ll help you get started.

Final Thoughts 

Deciding to transition is a milestone for many trans people. It’s a life-changing moment.

As he/she’s partner, your reaction and support throughout the process can make all the difference for your partner.

At the end of the day, the best way to support your trans partner in his transition is by showering him with respect, love, and loyalty. 

TRANS*H4CK Code of Conduct

Because trans and gender nonconforming people already experience unique forms of discrimination, it is important to us that all Trans*H4CK events are safe and harassment free spaces for everyone involved.

We honor all gender identities, races, sexualities, body types, economic backgrounds, abilities, religious beliefs and overall ways of human being, as we believe that diversity of experiences is key to successful collaborations.

All Trans*H4CK participants, volunteers, mentors, speakers, and team members are expected to follow this code of conduct the entirety of Trans*H4CK events and in all Trans*H4CK virtual spaces.

What is harassment?

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender identity and expression (such as purposefully misgendering someone), sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion, exhibiting sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention, are also forms of harassment.

If any Trans*H4CK participants are asked to stop harassing behavior, they are expected to comply immediately. The Trans*H4CK team may take any action we deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the Trans*H4CK team immediately.

We do not tolerate:

  • Offensive jokes of any sort: None. Zip. Zilch. So don’t try it.
  • Gender assumptions: Do not assume gender. If you are unsure of someones preferred gender pronoun, address them by their name. They might tell you and if they don’t, that is ok, too!
  • Unsolicited Touch: Everyone’s physical space must be respected at all times. No touching of other people without their consent–this includes hugs (but I am sure a lot of people would love a hug if you asked first!).
  • Bathroom Police: As part of creating a gendersafe space, Trans*H4CK events will always have gender neutral bathrooms.  
  • Hate Speech: We do not tolerate any conversations or presentations that involve racist thinking, transphobia, homophobia, classism, and other explicit forms of ignorance.

We expect all participants of Trans*H4CK events to uphold this code of conduct at all times.

What We Have In Store Fo You

1) Trans*H4CK Boston

  • Fri, Nov 14, 20146:00pm  Sun, Nov 16, 20145:00pm
  • Harvard Innovation Lab

We are finally bringing our hackathon and speaker series to the east coast!

In partnership with Harvard Innovation Lab, Trans*H4CK BOSTON will address the conversations on diversity in tech and entrepreneurship that continue to ignore the contributions of trans* people.

Over the course of a weekend, developers, designers, hackers, and social justice advocates of all genders will come together to create technology and celebrate proud trans* leaders who are shaping innovation in tech and social entrepreneurship. 

2) Trans*H4CK Speaker Night

  • Wednesday, October 29, 2014
  • 6:00pm  7:00pm
  • SF LGBT Center

This month we will be joined by Application Developer, Harlan Kellaway. Harlan will join Transcoders and Dr. Kortney Ryan Ziegler in an interactive discussion.

Everyone is welcome to attend (trans, gender non-conforming, and allies). Open to all experience levels, beginners to coding are encouraged to attend.

Please bring your laptops if you want to work on any projects. Drinks and snacks available. Donations are welcomed and will be used to support Trans*H4CK, and TranscodeSF.

About Harlan: Harlan Kellaway is an application developer most interested in how tech and gender intersect, especially regarding trans communities. He has been involved in a number of projects – including participation in the inaugural Trans*H4CK, creation of the first anthology on trans people and the Internet and social media for projects benefiting trans and queer people. Most recently, he has started work on a Refuge Restrooms app for iPhone.

Trans*H4CK © 2014. Theme Squared created by Rodrigo Ghedin.